A Guided Tour Through Thrift

After reading the Thrift whitepaper and sending your first message, you may still have some questions about how Thrift actually works. This article helps answer those questions by providing a guided tour through the Apache Thrift architecture, highlighting the protocols, transports, and compiler, and how they interact with each other. Thrift from 10,000 feet At a high-level, Thrift is organized into several layers as in Figure 1. The layers highlighted in yellow represent application code that is written by a user....

August 23, 2016 · 4 min · Kevin Sookocheff

So you want to send a message using Apache Thrift?

So you want to use Thrift? You’ve come here because you want to use Apache Thrift and you don’t know where to start. Good. You’re in the right spot. Throughout this document we will develop a simple service that communicates using Thrift. This will introduce you to the workflow for generating client and server code using Thrift and how to Thrift works to separate your application’s business logic from it’s transport methods....

June 17, 2016 · 10 min · Kevin Sookocheff