I have been working on the problem of recording changes to an ndb model. One way to accomplish this is to stream data changes to a BigQuery table corresponding to the ndb model. It would be great to do this in a generic way which gives us the problem of generating a BigQuery table given an ndb model. This article will describe one solution to this problem.

Accessing the properties of an ndb class

The first step in the process is to find all the properties of the class via the ndb _properties accessor. By iterating over this field we can find all of the properties on the class and their ndb types.

def tablify(ndb_model):
    Convert ndb_model into a BigQuery table schema.
    for name, ndb_type in ndb_model.__class__._properties.iteritmes():
       print name, ndb_type

Converting properties to BigQuery schema types

Now that we have the set of properties on the class we can map from the type of each property to a BigQuery type. Here is a helper function that provides a simple mapping.

def ndb_type_to_bigquery_type(_type):
    Convert a python type to a bigquery type.
    if isinstance(_type, ndb.IntegerProperty):
        return "INTEGER"
    elif isinstance(_type, ndb.FloatProperty):
        return "FLOAT"
    elif isinstance(_type, ndb.BooleanProperty):
        return "BOOLEAN"
    elif type(_type) in [ndb.StringProperty, ndb.TextProperty, ndb.ComputedProperty]:
        return "STRING"
    elif type(_type) in [ndb.DateTimeProperty, ndb.DateProperty, ndb.TimeProperty]:
        return "TIMESTAMP"

The last task is to format everything as a BigQuery table resource. This involves adding some boiler-plate around each field in our BigQuery schema and fleshing out the structure of the JSON.

from google.appengine.ext import ndb

SUPPORTED_TYPES = [ndb.IntegerProperty,

def ndb_type_to_bigquery_type(_type):
    Convert a python type to a bigquery type.
    if isinstance(_type, ndb.IntegerProperty):
        return "INTEGER"
    elif isinstance(_type, ndb.FloatProperty):
        return "FLOAT"
    elif isinstance(_type, ndb.BooleanProperty):
        return "BOOLEAN"
    elif type(_type) in [ndb.StringProperty, ndb.TextProperty, ndb.ComputedProperty]:
        return "STRING"
    elif type(_type) in [ndb.DateTimeProperty, ndb.DateProperty, ndb.TimeProperty]:
        return "TIMESTAMP"

def ndb_property_to_bigquery_field(name, ndb_type):
    Convert from ndb property to a BigQuery schema table field.
    if type(ndb_type) not in SUPPORTED_TYPES:
        raise ValueError('Unsupported object property')

    field = {
        "description": name,
        "name": name,
        "type": ndb_type_to_bigquery_type(ndb_type)

    if ndb_type._repeated:
        field['mode'] = 'REPEATED'

    return field

def tablify_schema(obj):
    Convert ndb_model into a BigQuery table schema.
    table_schema = {'fields': []}

    for name, ndb_type in obj.__class__._properties.iteritems():
        table_schema['fields'].append(ndb_property_to_bigquery_field(name, ndb_type))

    return table_schema

def tablify(obj, project_id, dataset_id, table_id):
    Return a BigQuery table resource representing an ndb object.
    return {
        "kind": "bigquery#table",
        "id": table_id,
        "tableReference": {
            "projectId": project_id,
            "datasetId": dataset_id,
            "tableId": table_id
        "description": "Table Resource",
        "schema": tablify_schema(obj)

Creating the new table on BigQuery.

Now that we have a BigQuery schema we can create the table in BigQuery using the BigQuery api client.

from oauth2client.appengine import AppAssertionCredentials
from apiclient.discovery import build

credentials = AppAssertionCredentials(scope='https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery')
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
big_query_service = build('bigquery', 'v2', http=http)

table_resource = tablify(ndb_model, project_id, dataset_id, table_id)
                response = big_query_service.tables().insert(projectId=project_id,

And that’s it. This article outlined a quick method of generating a BigQuery table scheme from an ndb model. If you found this useful let me know in the comments.