Last time, we studied how to connect two pipelines together. In this post, we expand on this topic, exploring how to fan-out to do multiple tasks in parallel, fan-in to combine multiple tasks into one, and how to do sequential work.


Fan-Out refers to spreading a task to multiple destinations in parallel. Using the Pipelines API, fan-out can be achieved elegantly by yielding a new pipeline for every task you wish to execute. Each of these pipelines is exeucted immediately via a Task in the App Engine Task Queue. Fan-out parallelizes implicitly when additional App Engine instances are started to handle the increased number of requests arriving in the Task Queue. You can moderate the amount of fan-out by changing the processing rate on the task queue that executes your pipelines.

class SquarePipeline(pipeline.Pipeline):

    def run(self, number):'Squaring: %s', number)
        return number * number

class FanOutPipeline(pipeline.Pipeline):

    def run(self, count):
        for i in xrange(0, count):
            yield SquarePipeline(i)
        # All children run immediately


Fan-In implies waiting for a collection of related tasks to complete before continuing processing. The example can be extended by summing the list of squared values — when we call yield Sum(*results) the pipeline run-time will wait until all results are ready before executing Sum. Internally, a barrier record is created that blocks execution of Sum and tracks the dependencies required to lift the barrier. Once all dependencies have been satisfied the barrier is lifted and Sum can execute.

class SquarePipeline(pipeline.Pipeline):

    def run(self, number):'Squaring: %s' % number)
        return number * number

class Sum(pipeline.Pipeline):

    def run(self, *args):
        value = sum(list(args))'Sum: %s', value)
        return value

class FanInPipeline(pipeline.Pipeline):

    def run(self, count):
        results = []
        for i in xrange(0, count):
            result = yield SquarePipeline(i)

        # Waits until all SquarePipeline results are complete
        yield Sum(*results)


A common workflow is running pipelines in a predefined sequence. The Pipelines API provides context managers that will force execution ordering using the with keyword. This is useful for Pipelines with no output that you wish to execute in a specific order — we cannot wait for the output and so no barrier must be satisfied, but we still want to enforce an execution order. In the following example, we extend the FanOutFanInPipeline to update an HTML dashboard with our results and, once that is complete, send out an e-mail to the development team. This example is taken from the excellent Pipelines API introductory video.

class FanOutFanInPipeline(pipeline.Pipeline):

    def run(self, count):
        results = []
        for i in xrange(0, count):
            result = yield SquarePipeline(i)

        result = yield Sum(*results)
        with pipeline.InOrder():
            yield UpdateDashboard()
            yield EmailTeam()


This article describes how to coordinate pipeline tasks using fan-in, fan-out and sequencing. The next article we will discuss Pipeline API internals.

Full source code of both Fan-In and Fan-Out follows.

import logging
import webapp2
import pipeline

class RunPipelineHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        stage = FanOutFanInPipeline(10)

class SquarePipeline(pipeline.Pipeline):

    def run(self, number):'Squaring: %s' % number)
        return number * number

class Sum(pipeline.Pipeline):

    def run(self, *args):
        value = sum(list(args))'Sum: %s', value)
        return value

class FanOutFanInPipeline(pipeline.Pipeline):

    def run(self, count):
        results = []
        for i in xrange(0, count):
            result = yield SquarePipeline(i)

        yield Sum(*results)

routes = [
    webapp2.Route('/pipeline-test/', handler='main.RunPipelineHandler')

APP = webapp2.WSGIApplication(routes)