At VendAsta we have a few APIs that are backed by search documents built using the App Engine Search API. These APIs are queried using a search string entered in a text box. One way to improve the user experience of this text box is to offer the user suggestions of popular searches to use as their query. This article describes how to achieve this.
Finding the most likely search terms
Before presenting suggestions to the user we need to collect the data
determining which searches are popular. This data contains the most likely
choice of search term given a prefix (i.e., an incomplete search term). For
example, given the incomplete search term ne
we need to return the most
frequent searches that have been made using that prefix.

Suppose the user searches for the term Netflix
. Given the search term we
increment the frequency of a (prefix, search term)
tuple for each prefix of
the search term Netflix
. The end result is a datastore model with entries for
each (prefix, search term)

If that term Netflix
is searched for a second time we increment the frequency
count of each (prefix, search term)

Now suppose one person searched for the term news
. We build up our frequency
table with each (prefix, search term)
tuple again, using news
as the search

Once we’ve assembled the data we can go back to our original problem of finding the most likely searches for a given incomplete search. Given our dataset this is lookup for each record matching our prefix in the dataset ordered by frequency.

A sample implementation
The following is a sample implementation encapsulating the ideas presented above.
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
class SearchSuggestionModel(ndb.Model):
""" Model class for scoring of search frequency. """
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
prefix = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
search_term = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
frequency = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True, default=0)
def build_key(cls, prefix, search_term, pid):
""" Builds a key in the default namespace. """
id_ = "%s:%s" % (prefix, search_term)
return ndb.Key(cls, id_, namespace=pid.upper())
def prefix_query(cls, prefix, pid):
""" Return all models with the matching prefix. Ordered by frequency. """
return cls.query(cls.prefix == prefix, namespace=pid).order(-cls.frequency)
def increment(cls, search_term, partner_id):
Given a search_term, increment each (prefix, search_term) combination for all prefixes of that search_term
if not search_term:
entities = []
for index, _ in enumerate(search_term):
prefix = search_term[0:index]
if prefix:
key = cls.build_key(prefix, search_term, partner_id)
entity = key.get()
if entity:
entity.frequency = entity.frequency + 1
# Put new entity
entity = cls(key=key, prefix=prefix, search_term=search_term, frequency=1)