Fade animations are a standard tool in any jQuery developer’s toolbox. But how do they really work? Let’s create a small function that encapsulates solely the fade functionality and find out.

Let’s start with the jQuery $ idiom.

function $(id) {
    var $ = document.getElementById(id);
    return $;

This function takes an HTML id as a parameter and returns the element associated with this id. We can call this function with a string to return the particular element we need.


Let’s add a function to our element.

function $(id) {
    var $ = document.getElementById(id);

    $.fade = function () {
        // perform fade here

    return $;

We can call the function by appending .fade to our element.


Now let’s set up the rest of the function by adding a parameter for the length of the delay and storing a reference to this. In our context this refers to the element we are calling fade from. (For a detailed explanation of how this is set see the JavaScript, JavaScript article here). Finally, we set the display style of our element to block to ensure our animation is visible.

$.fade = function (delay) {
    var _this = this;

    _this.style.display = 'block';

    // perform fade here

We perform the fade by setting the opacity of our element. For this purpose let’s define a new function for setting the opacity of an element elm to v. We divide by 100 to define our fade in terms of a percentage.

var opacityTo = function (elm, v) {
    elm.style.opacity = v/100;

We can add a call to this function to our fade method.

$.fade = function (delay) {
    var _this = this;

    _this.style.display = 'block';

    // set the opacity to 50%
    opacityTo(_this, 50);

Now the trick is to call this function to fade the element over a period of time. We do this by using the setTimeout(callbk, delay) function to set the opacity to different values at particular moments in time. The method signature defines a callbk parameter as a function to call when delay time has passed. If we call this function 100 times throughout our animation we will have a smooth and fluid result.

First we set up the for loop to iterate from 1 to 100 and then call an anonymous function sending the index of our loop as a parameter to the function. Our anonymous function then calls setTimeout periodically (100 times in total).