Distributed System Models in the Real World

Practical distributed applications are deployed into varied environments and execute on a variety of different machines linked together over a variety of communication infrastructure. The physical machines themselves can differ in the number and speed of processors, the availability of random access and stable storage, and more. The communication infrastructure can differ in the available levels of latency, throughput, and reliability. Because of these differences, it is more practical to look at distributed algorithms from a higher-level perspective so that they are applicable to a wide range of environments. Such algorithms do not depend on the particular details of the hardware or software on which they are run, and they are not limited to a highly specialized implementation. ...

September 20, 2022 · 28 min · Kevin Sookocheff
Bletchley Park

Unpacking the eight fallacies of distributed computing

When building and running a system deployed as a monolith, we are able to make a certain set of assumptions about the behaviour of the overall application. One of the biggest assumptions we make is that the memory space for the application all resides on the same machine. With this model, function and library calls can assume that their view of the data structures for the application are accurate, and that you can retrieve or mutate that data immediately and deterministically (leaving the thornier issues of multi-threaded applications aside for a minute). These assumptions allow teams of programmers to work effectively and efficiently across multiple packages, libraries, classes and functions. ...

February 11, 2021 · 17 min · Kevin Sookocheff
Crack in ground

Fault-Tolerance and Data Consistency Using Distributed Sagas

While microservices have become the defacto architectural pattern for building modern systems, they come with their own set of challenges. Key among them is ensuring application data consistency when data is spread over multiple databases. This article discusses one solution to this problem, distributed sagas. Distributed sagas provide consistency guarantees for systems spanning multiple databases in the face of failure using a clear and manageable implementation pattern. A saga is highly related to a finite state machines that moves consistently through a set of states, ensuring at each step that some conditions hold. ...

December 6, 2018 · 15 min · Kevin Sookocheff