Paper Review: OLTP Through the Looking Glass, and What We Found There

Title and Author of Paper OLTP Through the Looking Glass, and What We Found There, Harizopoulos et al. Summary Disk I/O has been the primary limiting factor in database performance for most commercial databases. However, as prices of main-memory have dropped it has become feasible to keep the entire working set of a database in RAM. With this architectural change, it makes sense to evaluate database design decisions made to avoid disk I/O to see which ones still hold promise in a main-memory world....

June 6, 2016 · 3 min · Kevin Sookocheff

Paper Review: Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Data Base

Title and Author of Paper Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Data Base. J. Gray et al. Summary This paper is divided in two sections: granularity of locks, and degrees of consistency. Each section answers questions on how lock choice in a database affects throughput and consistency. Granularity of Locks In the granularity section, the choice of lockable units is discussed. A lockable unit represents a section of logical data that is atomically locked during a transaction....

April 19, 2016 · 4 min · Kevin Sookocheff